Camp Shady Birch

Program Goals

At Camp Shady Birch, we have tons of goals. There are at least two down at the soccer field. We also have four program goals that guide our staff in designing and delivering unique, long-lasting benefits.


Fostering a sense of community is at the heart of our mission. After all, you simply cannot gossip alone. We believe that creating a supportive and inclusive environment is essential for everyone. Camp Shady Birch is more than just a faux camp. It’s a community of like-minded, bad b*tch, campers who love to kick their little feet laughing. Our goal is to cultivate a community where campers feel valued, accepted, and connected to each other. We encourage open communication (unless we are out of office), empathy, and respect, creating a positive community that extends beyond the tall pines that line this grassy nature-preserve we call home. By promoting a strong sense of community, we believe that our campers will carry with them valuable lessons in celebrating the indoors, friendship, and the power of a united community. So always remember you are never alone. A really rad camper who is willing to lend an ear is just a cabin away.

Personal Growth

We are deeply committed to fostering personal growth in every camper who joins our totally rad and tax-deductible* community. Our goal is to provide a transformative experience that goes beyond just fun and games. Through a thoughtfully designed curriculum and a variety of like, super fun and cool activities, we aim to empower each camper to discover and develop their unique strengths, interests, and talents. Whether it's conquering outdoor challenges, interior demons, or participating in character-building exercises (like our chili-making workshop), our summer camp provides a supportive environment for personal exploration and development. We encourage campers to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new experiences. It’s like ordering something new from the Taco Bell menu. It’s risky and uncharted territory, but worth it. Our dedicated and experienced (limited) staff is committed to guiding campers on their journey of self-discovery, helping them set and achieve personal goals, and cultivating a sense of self-worth. Because as Fifth Harmony once said, “I’m worth it.” We believe that by focusing on personal growth, our campers will leave with not only cherished memories but also a newfound sense of purpose and a foundation for lifelong success. You’re so welcome for that.

*not actually tax-deductible

Indoor Skills

We recognize the importance of a well-rounded skill set. Obviously. That includes indoor skills, to provide campers with a diverse and enriching experience. Our goal is to offer a variety of indoor activities that cater to the various interests and passions of our campers. From arts and crafts to STEM projects, board games, and indoor couch sitting, we strive to create an environment where campers can explore and develop their talents in a comfortable* and supportive setting. Our indoor skill-focused programs are designed to not only entertain but also to educate, encouraging campers to learn new things, hone their creativity, and build problem-solving abilities. For the most part. We can’t solve all the problems. Whether it's expressing yourself through artistic endeavors (macaroni necklaces and boondoggle key chains), delving into the fascinating world of science (E = mc²) and technology (iPhone updates), or engaging in strategic indoor games (yo-yoing, sweeping, and sitting), our campers have the opportunity to expand their horizons while having a great time. Our experienced and dedicated staff is committed to guiding campers in their indoor pursuits, providing encouragement and fostering an atmosphere of curiosity and learning. By focusing on indoor skills, we aim to equip our campers with valuable abilities that extend beyond the camp experience, contributing to their personal growth and enrichment. We can’t fully guarantee that, but legally the American Camp Association asked us to include this.

*as comfortable as you can be in a setting that does not have air conditioning.


At Camp Shady Birch, the primary goal is to create an atmosphere where fun is not just an element but a central and integral part of the entire experience. We provide good vibes 24/7. If you do not pass the vibe test, you will be sent to the isolation cabin until you’re ready to like, have a good time with everyone. We believe that laughing and kicking our little feet are essential components of a memorable camp experience, and we strive to provide a diverse range of exciting and entertaining activities for our campers. Our dedicated team of counselors and limited staff are committed to infusing energy, enthusiasm, and positivity into each moment, creating an environment where campers not only have fun but also feel a sense of belonging and connection. Our goal is for every camper to leave with a treasure trove of happy memories, lifelong friendships, and really good vibes.